Pomwe msika wopondera ukupitilirabe kukula ndikukula, matekinoloje ndi zida zochulukirapo ndi zida zochulukirapo amatuluka pang'onopang'ono. Among them, the latest achievement is the fourth-generation atomizer core BD30, which perfectly combines a large curved window with a All-In-One disposable device, bringing a new user experience to users. Munkhaniyi, tifotokoza za mawonekedwe ndi mapindu a BD30 ndi mapindu omwe amabwera mophatikizika.
The fourth generation atomizer core BD30 adopts the latest technology and materials, which almost completely eliminates the shortcomings of traditional atomizer cores. Chimodzi mwazinthu zofunika kwambiri ndi kapangidwe kake kaziwitso. Pakati pa atomizeres achikhalidwe amagwiritsa ntchito kapangidwe kake, kotero ogwiritsa ntchito satha kuwona kuchuluka kwa e-madzi. Windo Lalikulu la BD30 limatha kumvetsetsa kuchuluka kwa e-madzi. Izi mosakayikira ndiye kuti mukumva bwino kwa ogwiritsa ntchito.
BD30 imaperekanso zabwino zotentha komanso za moyo wautali. Imagwiritsa ntchito ukadaulo waposachedwa wa mavidiyo, zomwe zingasinthike madzi kuti utsike ndi utsi nthawi yomweyo. Kuphatikiza apo, BD30 ilinso ndi machitidwe a moyo wautali. Itha kukhala kwa nthawi yayitali mukatha kugwiritsa ntchito kamodzi, yomwe imachepetsa kwambiri pafupipafupi ogwiritsa ntchito atomizer core ndikusunga ndalama.
Nthawi yomweyo, BD30 ikadali chida chimodzi chovomerezeka. The advantage of disposable vape equipment is that it is easy to use, can be used directly without adding vaping liquid, and has excellent portability. In the past, All-In-One disposable device had some problems in the use of the atomizer core, such as uneven combustion, impure taste, etc. The BD30, with its fourth-generation atomizer core features, solves these problems and provides users ndi luso labwino.
Monga chipangizo chimodzi chovomerezeka, BD30 chimapewanso vuto lakukonza ndi kukonza. Traditional electronic cigarette equipment needs to be cleaned and the atomizer core needs to be replaced after a period of use, while the BD30 can be discarded directly without additional operations. Izi zimapangitsanso BD30 yabwino komanso yaukhondo, ndipo imasokoneza zida zingapo za zida zingapo za E-ndudu.
To sum up, the combination of the fourth-generation atomizer core BD30 with large curved windows and disposable vaping equipment brings users a better user experience and convenience. Makina ake apadera opindika amalola ogwiritsa ntchito kuti awone kuchuluka kwa e-madzi. Kutentha mwachangu komanso moyo wautali kumawonjezera kukhutitsidwa kwa ogwiritsa ntchito. Kuthana ndi kugwiritsa ntchito zida zotayika kumapangitsa kuti ogwiritsa ntchito agwiritse ntchito bwino. Kuphatikiza apo, chitetezo cha BD30 chimatsimikizika kudzera m'miyezo yamayiko ndi kutsimikizika. Ponseponse, Kubwera kwa BD30 kwabweretsa zotupa zatsopano pamakampani opanga ndikupereka ogwiritsa ntchito mosankha bwino.
Post Nthawi: Oct-13-2023